An meiner Intuition, an einer Tasse Tee, und an anderen Menschen. Andere Menschen gern zu haben ist wie ein ganz großes Lächeln. Macht nichts, wenn sie einen nicht gern haben. Wenn ich sie gern habe, dann bin ich froh. Aber ich hab sie natürlich nicht immer alle gern. Nur manchmal. :-)

Damn it! Where are my shoes? My shirts? My pencils? It´s all gone! That makes me laugh. Joy is not attached to things, not at all. Even if I did not have shirts nor shoes, I could still laugh. And be happy about things like a sunrise, the drop of water that is hanging on the handrail, my friends and because the traffic light turns green just the moment that I want to cross the street.
About my intuition, about a cup of tea, and about other people. To like other people is like a big, big smile. It does not matter if they also like you. If I like them, I am hapy. But of course I don´t like all of them all the time. Just sometimes. :-)
1 Kommentar:
Ooo... bilingual are we now?!
Yes, one can be happy over other thing that material ones. That wont stop me though, from loving my Icelandic Pulli, Rúnar the Guitar and my brown bike!
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