Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2008

back to Business

Abandoning your blog does not mean that you can escape facing the abandonment of a project. It just makes it less public. Hmhm.
But your projects may lead a life of their own and come back to life eventually. At least mine did! A little bit reshaped, but still. Quest-on! lost its name and got refrased into "challenging culture shock - sharing experiences, understanding the process" and downsized from a whole company to a workshop. Is there an English word for Gesundschrumpfen? It´s what describes best what happened to my project. It got smaller and healthier so that it will actually become a reality. It will be conducted the 8th of November in den Haag at the world forum, under the umbrella of and the "day of the international student". Paid! Chacka!

2 Kommentare:

Inga Auðbjörg hat gesagt…

Wow, didn't know that... Great!

Anonym hat gesagt…

And then you are asked to do your workshop at other places. And it becomes so much, that you have to hire personnel. And, voila, here's your company. And then you take over the world. This is only the start of your empire! Mwhooohahaahahaaaa ...