Sonntag, 2. März 2008

It goes on...

Have not written in a long time...that already tells something. The flow leaves you abit after the first enthusiastic days or weeks. Especially when you have nobody to report to. But: now I´m back on track! And this whole waiting and being busy with other things than my company also helped me become more sharp on how I am going to proceed. Some things just develop naturally. Wait and suddenly the next step seems obvious!
In my case it was a talk to David Madié that woke me up. He suggested I should call hostels and get feedback from them. So I called 3! (Concrete numbers help to actually do it. I´ve called 3 hostels and achieved what I set out to do!) Now they want something written. So I had to produce something written. Good move! Puts up some pressure and an aim, which helps a lot.
Hopefully Lori can help me with getting my branding straight today, since I don´t want to let them wait for too long.
And this weekend I am going to buy the web domain! Be prepared! :-)

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

one step, another step...

life is in steps, innit?

ich bin müde...

Inga Auðbjörg hat gesagt…

You have met my criteria and now have a link at my blog. Congratulations.